Portfolio- Feathers

Hope is a thing with feathers that perches in the soul,…” by Emily Dickinson

Amanda Stapells, five large Fiberglass Feather Mosaic Mobile, Free to Fly, 2021

Free to Fly

5 Feather Mobile

34 x 27 x 11 inches

Hand formed fiberglass, stained glass, smalti, wire


Price upon request

This mobile is the wing of a bird migrating south. Since we couldn’t travel during the pandemic, were we still free? When are we truly free in our minds or bodies?

Amanda Stapells, 5 Fiberglass feather mosaic mobile with blue stained glass and smalti
Amanda Stapells, detail photo fibreglass feather mosaic with blue stained glass and smalti


5 Feather Mobile

48 x 48 inches, each 4 1/2 x 10 inches

Hand formed fiberglass, stained glass, wire


Price upon request

This mobile is created of 5 feathers tumbling down. Or could it be just one feather falling? See the gradation of colour change, ever so slightly darker, as it descends.

Amanda Stapells, 3 feather mobile made of Fiberglass Mosaic with pink and white stained glass

In Mid-Air SOLD

3 Feather Mobile

30 x 40 inches, each 4 1/2 x 15 inches

Hand formed fiberglass, stained glass, wire


Wind catches these feathers, as they float slowly down, drifting in mid-air.

Amanda Stapells, 3 Fiberglass Feather Mobile mosaic with pink and purple stained glass


3 Large Feather Mobile

34 x 27 inches; each 5 x 16, 6 x 17, 6 1/2 x 20 inches

Hand formed fiberglass, stained glass, wire


Price upon request

Amanda Stapells, two very Large Fiberglass Feather Mosaic with blue and white stained glass

Double Trouble SOLD

2 Large Feathers

7 1/2 x 36 inches each

Hand formed fiberglass, stained glass, wire


These two plumes contradict each other by their opposing contours. They play against each other with their large scale, texture, and colour.

Amanda Stapells, one large Fiberglass Feather Mosaic with blue to red stained glass

Flight Feather SOLD

Wall Mount

24 x 8 inches

Hand formed fiberglass, stained glass, wire


Flight feathers are the long outside feathers that enable the bird to lift off and fly. This plume is full of colour, showy perhaps, possibly for courtship?




Portfolio- Wall Art